Barefoot Trampling

Mistresses trampling their slaves

All articles tagged with "Crush"

This mistress hates bullies. She found these two having fun bullying other people and she went and confronted them. She pinned them down and made them undress. She had fun trampling them all over their bodies. She even trampled their dicks and their balls. By the time she was done with them, they promised her they will never bully anyone ever again. She took a video of the whole thing and promised to upload it if they ever did it again.

Melissa was tired of the traditional trampling of a single slave. With all her experience and expertise, she knew she could handle two slaves. So she got two and had fun trampling them and making sure they were not only humiliated, but were in lots and lots of pain as well. It was so exciting and refreshing that she promised herself she would not do it to a single slave again.

Teodora and her friend Deborah wanted to show the world that they are the best at trampling. They made a view and uploaded it online showing how they went hard on a slave. They trampled him at the same time and almost choked him besides inflicting a lot of pain on him. They easily won the contest because they did originally. They did not use things like high heels as others do.

Deborah and Teodora are famous for their tramples. They get many requests to have them trample and punish slaves. They were paid a huge sum to humiliate and punish this slave and they did not spare him. They jumped on his chest and stomach and warned him against crying or begging for mercy. By the time these mistresses were done with the slave, he was in a lot of pain

Jamie Kate's slave had made her food which made her sick. She was mad because she had to go to hospital. She trampled him on her way back. She started on his stomach with her high heels. Then she removed them to trample him with her bare feet. He begged for mercy and she told him not to say another word. She wanted him to feel what she felt when she was in pain.

Charlotte was poor at the subject this guy was good at. She wanted to make the guy do his assignments but he refused. She asked again politely and he refused. She took him to a secluded room and she trampled him brutally. She started with his face and worked her way down. She did not even hear his pleas of mercy. In the end he agreed to do her assignments.

Aileen Taylor was mad at her slave for betraying her trust. She hates that and had to punish him to the fullest. She made him lie down and crushed him. She used her high heels to trample his chest and stomach. When she was done, she continued to trample him with her bare feet. She did not spare his face and wanted to send a message that it should never happen again.

Madame Marissa is a disciplinarian. She does not tolerate nonsense from slaves and this one was in for it. She made him lie down and put his head in a box. With his head popping out of the box, she trampled the head without caring and even jumped on his stomach when she was tired of trampling his head. That was enough to teach him a lesson he would not forget.

These guys went to the beach to pick up girls. But they found the going tough and instead of finding girls to have fun with, the girls had fun at their expense. The girls lied to them that they like macho men and they made the boys lie down and they trampled them with their bare feet. When they were done, they ran away laughing at how gullible the boys were.

Ariel envied this girl. The girl was prettier than her. So she lured her to her house and planned to make her less pretty by trampling and torturing her. She wanted to crush those curves away and also trample her tits and make them shrink. Then she planned to trample and crush her nice mouth so that her smile would not be attractive. She finally spit into her mouth to degrade her.

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